The journey through childhood and adolescence is a unique experience, filled with joy, challenges, accomplishments, and countless opportunities for learning. For children and families with autism and other special needs, the journey includes unexpected turns and unfamiliar territory. For nearly 70 years, May Institute has been guided by its mission of providing compassionate care and helping families navigate the challenges — and celebrate the successes — of their children’s journeys through the complex world of autism and related disabilities.
Our five May Center Schools for Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Massachusetts and California offer full-day, year-round educational services to children and adolescents. Our schools focus on building communication, social, behavioral, vocational, and academic skills. We base our programs on applied behavior analysis, or ABA, which has been shown through hundreds of scientific studies to be the most effective method to teach children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities.
We also operate a sixth school that serves student with brain injury and neurobehavioral disorders.
Working together with families to prepare for the transition to adulthood, and utilizing the considerable resources available to us, our caring professionals help each child to reach his or her highest potential.
"I think now there are no boundaries for Michelle. Even if she is still dependent in her adulthood, she will find lots of things that satisfy her and make her life complete. I thank the May Center for that.
It's what a parent wishes for every child — that they grow up to feel that they make a contribution and feel happy in the world. Michelle is on her way."