PBIS Presentations


20th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum Presentations, scroll down.


Cost Savings and Improving Student Outcomes Through PBIS, August 7, 2024

Cost Savings and Improving Student Outcomes Through PBIS (Download as full PowerPoint)

Cost Savings and Improving Student Outcomes Through PBIS (PowerPoint as PDF)

PBIS Impact Briefs can be found here.


ACCEPT BCBA Group, June 3rd, 2024

Supporting School-based BCBAs: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas, presentation slides

Improving Tier 3 Services, handout

Supporting Students & Families & Saving Funds, handout


13th Annual NEPBIS Leadership Forum, May 14th-16th, 2024

A PBIS Approach to Improving Equity in Public Schools by Chelsea Salvatore and Bob Putnam, May Institute

NEPBIS Equity Forum 2024, handout

NEPBIS Forum 2024 Classroom PBIS Effectiveness & Efficiency handout


MassABA 14th Annual Conference, Marlborough, Mass., Friday, May 10th, 2024

Improving life - Opening & Closing, handout

MassABA Equity, handout

Friday, November 15, 2024 - Norwood, Mass.
Research to Practice: 20th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum

Morning Keynote Address (8:45 – 9:45 am)
Time to Make the Donuts! Reinvigorate PBIS Implementation
Presenter(s): Heather George, University of South Florida, PBIS Technical Assistance

  1. MorningKeynote-Time to make the Donuts!-H.George


A1. PBIS 101: An Introduction to SW-PBIS
Presenter(s): Emily Baton & Michelle Pratt

A2. Effective Coaching Models
Presenter(s): Katie Meyer, Susannah Everett, Joseph Labrera & Frank Huertas

A3. Supporting School Staff to Try and Stick-With New Strategies
Presenter(s): Sharon Lohrman 



B1. Fidelity Across the Tiers
Presenter(s): Fina Robertson, Colleen Coyne & Megan Wilson

B2. Stronger Together: Boosting Family-School Collaboration through PBIS
Presenter(s): Emily Baton

  1. ST1-2-Stronger Together Boosting Family-Schoo Collaboration Thru PBIS-E.Baton

B3. Using a Co-Facilitated Model of Technical Assistance to Translate Research into Practice in Diverse K-12 Settings
Presenter(s): Hannah Goodwin-Brown, Stephanie Dinnen & Gigi Debello

  1. ST1-3-BE BaseCamp Resource Guide - H. Goodwin-Brown, S. Dinnen, G. DiBello
  2. ST1-3-Fidelity Across the Tiers.C.Coyne,F.Robertson,M.Wilson
  3. ST1-3-Using Co-Facilitated Model of Tech Assist to Translate Research - H. Goodwin-Brown, S. Dinnen, G. DiBello



C1. Embedding Your School Wide Expectations into the High School Classroom
Presenter(s): Jim Corkum, Sherry Gelinas & Johanna Ottino

  1. HS-1-Crimson Culture feedback - J.Corkum
  2. HS-1-Crimson Culture Presentation - J.Corkum
  3. HS-1-Embedding Your School Wide Expectations into Classroom-J. Corkum

C2. The Elephant in the Room: Addressing Youth Substance Use with the Power of Peer Support
Presenter(s): Heidi Cloutier

  1. HS-2-Elephant in the Room-Addressing Youth Substane Use-H.Cloutier

C3. Utilizing Implementation Science to Lift up Tier 3 Supports
Presenter(s): Ellen Riiska

  1. HS-3-Utilizing IS to Lift up Tier 3 Supports - E. Riiska



D1. Advancing Trauma- Informed Care in a Special Education School Serving a Neurobehavioral Population
Presenter(s): Joseph Ricciardi, Joan Phillips & Andrea Potoczny-Gray

  1. ST2-1-Advancing Trauma-Informed Care in a SE School - J.Ricciard

D2. Lessons Learned Across Phases of Crisis Response
Presenter(s): Jennifer Freeman & Renee Bradley

  1. ST2-2-Lessons Learned Across Phases of Crisis Response-J.Freeman,R.Bradley

D3. PBIS in Sub-Separate Classrooms: Strategies and Tools to Promote Positive Outcomes
Presenter(s): Alex Utley

  1. ST2-3-PBIS in Sub-Separate Classrooms-Strategies and Tools to Promote Positive Outcomes-A.Utley



E1. Improving Resource Allocation to Achieve Meaningful Social, Emotional, Behavioral Outcomes Through PBIS
Presenter(s): Robert Putnam

  1. MOPBIS-1-Improving Resource Allocation-B.Putnam

E2. Reducing Discipline Disproportionality with Equity-Focused PBIS
Presenter(s): Chelsea Salvatore & Erik Maki 

  1. MOPBIS-2-Reducing Discipline Disproportionality with Equity-Focused PBIS.C.Salvatore

E3. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Academics: We're Not Re-Inventing the Wheel!
Presenter(s): Mara Power



F1. Implementing PBIS Support with Individuals with IDD
Presenter(s): Chelsea Salvatore, Cyndi Miller, Emily Lauer, Christine Clifford & Robert Putnam

  1. DDS-1-DDS Systems Change Initiative Implementing PBS Support-C.Salvatore,C.Miller,E.Lauer,C.Clifford
  2. DDS-1-Implementing PBIS Support with Individuals with IDD-C.Salvatore,C.Miller,E.Laur.C.Clifford,B.Putnam

F2. Supporting PBS Implementation Across Two States
Presenter(s): Rachel Freeman & Bob Putnam

F3. Harnessing Person-Centered Planning Tools to Boost Individuals’ Active Involvement in Designing and Participating in Their Own Care and Programming
Presenter(s): Jenna Gilder & Lauren Meyers

  1. DDS-3-Community Leisure Interest Survey.J.Gilder
  2. DDS-3-Consumer Meeting With Pictures-J.Gilder
  3. DDS-3-Doctors appointment fill in form-J.Gilder
  4. DDS-3-Doctors appointment picture form-J.Gilder
  5. DDS-3-Harnessing Person-Centered Planning Tools to Boost Individuals-J.Gilder
  6. DDS-3-Social Group sign up (school)-J.Gilder
  7. DDS-3-Social Story for doctor video visit-J.Gilder
  8. DDS-3-Weekly Rec Calander-J.Gilder


Closing Keynote Address (2:30 – 3:30 pm)

PBIS: It’s Not Just a Behavioral Thing!
Presenter(s): Renee Bradley, U.S. Department of Education

  1. AfternoonKeynote-PBIS It's Not Just a Behavioral Thing!-R. Bradley







Thursday, November 9, 2023 - Norwood, Mass.
Research to Practice: 19th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum

19th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum Program here.

(PowerPoint Presentation PDFs will be added as they are provided!)     

Morning Keynote Address (8:45 – 9:45 am)                   
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes: Building Belonging from Birth On 
Presenter(s): Nikole Y. Hollins-Sims, Hollins-Sims Consultation, LLC


A1. PBIS 101: An Introduction to SW-PBIS
Presenter(s): Michelle Pratt and Emily Baton, May Institute

A2. The Role of Implementation Science in Starting and Sustaining Effective Practices in Schools
Presenter(s): Angus Kittelman, University of Missouri, and Stephanie St. Joseph, May Institute

1) The Role of Implementation Science in Starting and Sustaining Effective Practices in Schools

2) NIRN-Hexagon-Discussion-Analysis-Tool_September2020_1

A3. Answering the Why, What, and How of Classroom PBIS
Presenter(s): Nicole Peterson and Susannah Everett, University of Connecticut



B1. Utilizing Youth Voice in Their Own Plans
Presenter(s): Kathryn A. Francoeur, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire

B2. Expanding Your Tier 2 Interventions – Brief Intervention for School Clinicians (BRISC)
Presenter(s): Bob Putnam and Chelsea Salvatore, May Institute

B3. Making Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Feasible and Effective in High Schools
Presenter(s): Angus Kittelman, University of Missouri



C1. Transformative Systems Through Equity – Where Are We?
Presenter(s): Nikole Y. Hollins-Sims, Hollins-Sims Consultation, LLC

C2. Supporting Transgender Students through PBIS
Presenter(s): Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut, and Erik Maki, May Institute

C3. Restorative Interventions
Presenter(s): Sara DeLuca, Framingham Public Schools

  1. Conference Circle 2023.pdf
  2. Embedding Restorative Practices in an MTSS Framework.pdf



D1. Supporting Implementation of Tier 3 Systems Advanced Tiers
Presenter(s): Tobey Duble Moore and Katherine Meyer, University of Connecticut, and Kelly Williamson, Southbridge Public Schools

D2. Integrating and Aligning Multiple Initiatives at the District Level
Presenter(s): Sara DeLuca, Framingham Public Schools

D3. Fidelity of Tier 3 Supports
Presenter(s): Amber Casavant, Gardner Public Schools, and Stephanie St. Joseph, May Institute



E1. A Preview of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) 3.0
Presenter(s): Jennifer Freeman and Nicole Peterson, University of Connecticut

E2. Classroom High Leverage Practices
Presenter(s): Amber Casavant, Fina Robertson, and Megan Wilson, Gardner Public Schools

E3. Integrated Literacy and Behavior Skills Intervention Across Tiers
Presenter(s): Katherine Meyer, Tobey Duble Moore, Jessica Bourget, Chloe Melton and Ashley Plumb, University of Connecticut



F1. Implementing PBS Support with Individuals with IDD / Implementing Massachusetts DDS Positive Support Regulations
Presenter(s): Emily Lauer and Christine Clifford, The Center for Developmental Disabilities Evaluation and Research, and Cyndy Miller, Department of Developmental Services

F2. Universal Supports in Adult Residential Programs: A Competency-Based Training Model
Presenter(s): Sarah Weddle, May Institute

F3. Using Teaming and Data to Support Individuals at all Tiers
Presenter(s): James McHome, Aspire, Christine Downs, May Institute

  1. Universal Program Meeting Minutes Form ASPIRE
  2. Universal Observation Form ASPIRE
  3. QUIC+Quality+of+Universal+Implementation+Checklist
  4. Quic Graphing by Residence or Program
  5. Quality Of Life Screening Tool
  6. Quality of Life Graphing SAMPLE


Closing Keynote Address (2:30 – 3:30 pm)

Creating Classrooms that Support All Learners: Centering Equity in Classroom PBIS
Presenter(s): Brandi Simonsen, University of Connecticut

  1. Centering Equity in Classroom PBIS Handout 2023
  2. Centering Equity in Classroom PBIS (Nov 2022) B. Simonson




Previous Forums and Presentations

Friday, November 18, 2022 - Norwood, Mass.
Research to Practice: 18th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum


Morning Keynote: Ruthie L. Payno-Simmons, Ph.D. - Cultivating An Environment Where all Can Thrive

Afternoon Keynote: Brandi Simonsen, Ph.D. - Centering Equity in the Classroom

Closing Keynote: Bob Putnam, Ph.D.,  L.P., LABA, BCBA-D, May Institute; Mark Pellegrino, Amber Casavant; Joyce West, Gardner Public Schools - Planning for Teaching & Learning for All Students, with a Focus on Students with Disabilities


 /A/ FOUNDATIONS Sessions:

1/ PBIS 101: An Introduction to SW-PBIS
Name of Presenter(s): Michelle Pratt, May Institute; and Tobey Duble, University of Connecticut (Coming Soon)
2/ You’re in the Driver’s Seat: A Classroom Roadmap for Supporting ALL Students
Name of Presenter(s): Karen Robbie, University of Connecticut and Maine PBIS; Ashley Plumb and Sarah Sinnott, University of Connecticut 
3/ Strategies for De-escalating Behavior
Name of Presenter(s): Bob Putnam, May Institute

/B/ HIGH SCHOOL Sessions:
1/ Let’s All Be RENEWed: An Intervention for Youth and Young Adults to Support Their Hopes and Dreams
Name of Presenter(s): Kathryn Francoeur, Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire

2/ High School Implementation of PBIS Across the Tiers
Name of Presenter(s): Katherine Meyer, Tobey Duble, and Sarah Rosati, University of Connecticut
3/ Creating Connections NH: Promising Alternatives to Suspensions for Youth Substance Use
Name of Presenter(s): Heidi Cloutier, Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire

/C/ ALIGNMENT Sessions:
1/ PBIS and Mental Health
Name of Presenter(s): Amber Cassavant, Fina Roberton, and Colleen Coyle, Gardner Public Schools
2/ Alignment and Integration at the District Level
Name of Presenter(s): Christine Downs, May Institute; and Sara DeLuca, Framingham Public Schools
3/ How PBIS Can Improve Your Life as a BCBA…or School Mental Health Provider
Name of Presenter(s): Erik Maki, May Institute; Kerry Sumner, Norton Public Schools; Danielle Ryder, Dennis-Yarmouth Public Schools; Amber Cassavant, Megan Wilson, and Colleen Coyne, Gardner Public Schools

1/ Establishing and Assessing PBIS Practices in Ways that Center Equity
Name of Presenter(s): Ruthie Payno-Simmons, Michigan’s Multi-tiered Systems of Support Technical Assistance Center
2/ Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Schools
Name of Presenter(s): Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut; and Erik Maki, May Institute

3/ Reducing Anxiety Across the Tiers
Name of Presenter(s): Stephanie St. Joseph, Corin Osborn, and Tyler Womack, May Institute

/E/ IDD Sessions:
1/ Implementing PBS with Individuals with IDD: Massachusetts DDS Positive Support Regulations
Name of Presenter(s): Janet George and Cyndy Miller, Massachusetts DDS; Bob Putnam, May Institute; and Christine J. Clifford, CDDER– UMass Chan Medical School
2/ Implementing PBS with Individuals with IDD Across Three Agencies
Name of Presenter(s): Susan Roberts, BAMSI; James Green, Vinfen; and Bob Putnam, May Institute

3/ Data-based Decision Making for IDD
Name of Presenter(s): Kerin McGue, South Shore ARC; Christine Downs, May Institute


Free Webinar: Attending to Attendance in Live and Virtual Settings

March 30, 2021

Attending to Attendance in Live and Virtual Settings
Presenters: Bob Putnam, May Institute & National Technical Assistance Center for PBIS Tobey Duble, May Institute

Gardner Public Schools Addressing Attendance Through District & School MTSS
Presenters: Mark Pellegrino, Superintendent, Joyce West, & Amber Casavant

See the full webinar video here.


Friday, November 13, 2020 - May's Virtual PBIS Forum 2020
Research to Practice: 16th Annual New England Positive Behavioral Support Forum

PBIS Forum Schedule 2020
Morning Keynote: How Do We Make PBIS Work for Each and Every Student?  
[Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Kent McIntosh, University of Oregon

  1. NE PBS Overview 2020 opening final - Bob Putnam.pdf
  2. How Do We Make PBIS Work for Each and Every Student - Kent McIntosh.pdf

A1. PBIS 101: An Introduction to SW-PBIS. [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Michelle Pratt, May Institute; Sacha Shaw, Endicott College

  1. PBIS 101 Intro to SWPBIS.pdf
  2. PBIS Blueprint Part 1 18 Oct 2015 Final.pdf

A2. Introduction to Coaching [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Adam Feinberg, University of Connecticut

  1. Foundations of Systems Coaching Presentation [Feinberg and Meyer].pdf


B1. High School Implementation of Advanced Tiers  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Susannah Everett & Katherine Meyer, University of Connecticut; Marcie Handler, Broad Reach Consulting 

  1. PBIS2020-B1 - High School Implementation of Advanced Tiers - Susannah Everett.pdf

B2. Using MTSS-B Framework to Keep Children, Youth, Families, and Schools Connected During Distance Learning [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Kathy Francoeur, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire; Margie Borawska-Popielarz, Concord High School; Alison Bryant & Anna Solomon, Laconia Middle School


C1. Back to Basics: Critical Classroom Practices in New Contexts  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Brandi Simonsen, University of Connecticut 

  1. PBIS2020-C1 - Back to Basics HANDOUT (Nov 13 2020) - Brandi Simonsen.pdf
  2. PBIS2020-C1 - Back to Basics Presentation Links (Nov 2020) - Brandi Simonsen.pdf

C2. Still Separate, Still Unequal: Culturally Responsive Considerations and Practices to Support Minoritized Youth
Video Presentation]

Name of Presenter: Tamika La Salle, University of Connecticut

  1. Still Seperate Still Unequal.pdf


D1. Building Community through PBIS  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Erik Maki, May Institute; Melissa Kintish & Teresa Carr, Christa McAuliffe, School

  1. Building Community through PBIS - Erik Maki, Melissa Kintish & Terri Car.pdf 
  2. McAuliffe-2020-Using PBIS to Build Relationships and Community.pdf

D2. Implementing Districtwide PBIS  Presentation Video.
Name of Presenter(s): Robert Putnam, May Institute; Joyce West & Amber Casavant, Gardner Public Schools; Sara Deluca, Framingham Public Schools; Jariel Verge, New Bedford

  1. Implementing District-Wide PBIS - Bob Putnam.pdf
  2. Implementing District-Wide PBIS, New Bedford Public Schools - Jariel Verge.pdf
  3. Implementing District-Wide PBIS, Gardner Public Schools - Gardner PS.pdf
  4. Implementing District-Wide PBIS, Framingham Public Schools - Sara Deluca.pdf

E1. Updating and Adapting Universal PBIS  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Christine Downs & Tobey Duble, May Institute

  1. Adapting PBIS for Virtual Classrooms Final.pdf
  2. brst-COVID-Safety-resources.pdf
  3. Creating a PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction-1.pdf
  4. Improving Attendance in a Remote Learning Environment.pdf 
  5. Responding to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak through PBIS.pdf

E2. Adapting Check In Check Out (CICO) for Virtual Learning Environments  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Christine Downs, May Institute; Kimberli Breen, SWIFT Education Center

  1. CICO Resourses.pdf
  2. Guidance on Adapting Check-in Check-out (CICO) for Distance Learning.pdf
  3. Virtual CICO Final 11-12.pdf

F1. Building State-wide Capacity to Implement MTSS with Integrated SEL & Mental Health  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Samantha Brinz & Kristen Petrarca, Rhode Island Department of Education
F2. Innovation in Tier III Supports: How School & Mental Health Providers Pivoted to Provide RENEW During COVID-19  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Heidi Cloutier, Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire; Larson Viljanen, Greater Nashua Mental Health; Bucky Flores, Launching Emerging Adults Program, Rochester Public Schools

  1. Innovation in Tier III Supports - Heidi Cloutier.pdf

/G/ IDD 
G1. Implementing PBS Support with Individuals with IDD Across Two Organizations Name of  [Video Presentation]
Presenter(s): Bob Putnam, Jennifer Zarcone & Sarah Weddle, May Institute; Jonathan Worcester & Joseph Ricciardi, Seven Hiils

  1. Implementing PBS Support with Individuals with IDD Across Two Organizations - Bob Putnam May Institute.pdf
  2. Implementing PBS Support with Individuals with IDD Across Two Organizations - Bob Putnam Overview
  3. Implementing PBS Support with Individuals with IDD Across Two Organizations - Ricciardi & Worcester

G2. Social Skills Instruction — Implementation In the Adult Setting  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Robert Smith, Compass Behavioral Solutions

  1. PBIS2020-G2 - Social Skill Implementation

Afternoon Keynote: Enhancing PBIS to Promote Resilience During Crisis  [Video Presentation]
Name of Presenter(s): Susan Barrett

  1. Enhancing PBIS to Promote Resilience During Crisis - Susan Barrett (2).pdf


Thursday, November 14, 2019 - Friday, November 15, 2019
 Research to Practice: 15th Annual New England Positive Behavior Support Forum


THURSDAY – Keynote Address (8:30 – 9:30 am)

Check-in, Check-out (CICO): Lessons Learned from 20 years of Research and Application 
Name of Presenter(s): Leanne Hawken, University of Utah

Keynote PBIS Forum 2019 - Slides Handout 11.7.19.pdf



A1. PBIS 101: An Introduction to SW-PBIS
Name of Presenter(s): Robert Putnam & Tobey Duble, May Institute

1. 101 Introduction to SW-PBIS.pdf

A2. Engaging Families in School-Based Efforts to Provide Tier 1 Structure and Support
Name of Presenter(s): Sara Whitcomb & Sarah Fefer, University of Massachusetts Amherst

1. Engaging Families in School-based Efforts to Provide Tier 1 Structure and Support.pdf

A3. "Rewards Don't Work!" Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Effectiveness in School-based Setting
Name of Presenter(s):  Chris Barclay & Erin Crosby, EASTCONN

1. Rewards Don't Work Slides.pdf

2. Rewards Don’t Work! Action Planning Tool Handout.pdf

3. Reinforcer Questionnaire and Assessment Survey.pdf

4. Rewards Don't Work - Reinforcement Reflection Case Studies: Answer Key.pdf

5. Reward/Reinforcement Reflection Tool.pdf


B1. From Dreams to Teams: One Student’s High School Journey
Name of Presenter(s): Kathryn A. Francoeur, Institute on Disability, UNH

1. From Dreams to Teams Slides v1.pdf

2. 40 Developmental Assets® for Adolescents (ages 12-18).pdf

3. Renew Informational flyer.pdf

B2. Improving Attendance within a PBIS Framework
Name of Presenter(s): Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut

1. Improving Attendance within a PBIS Framework.pdf

B3. The Power of Youth Voice in System Change
Name of Presenter(s): Kathryn A. Francoeur, Institute on Disability University of New Hampshire

1. Power of Youth Voice in System Change_ NE PBIS_NOV 2019-FINAL .pdf

2. Youth Involvement and Engagement Assessment Tool.pdf

3. Bear Pride Rubric.pdf

4. Bear ​P.R.I.D.E. ​Habits.pdf


C1. Thinking Functionally About Problem Behavior: Tier 1 Behavior Instruction for All Staff
Name of Presenter(s): Leanne Hawken, University of Utah

1. Hawken Breakout-New England PBIS Forum 2019.pdf

2. Behavior-Management Traps.pdf

C2. 12 Years In!
Name of Presenter(s): Richard Blair & Peter Rossi, Dartmouth Middle School

1. 12 Years In!.pdf

C3. NEPBIS TOT Booster Session – Invitation Only 
Name of Presenter(s): Brandi Simonsen & Jennifer Freeman, University of Connecticut



D1. Tier 1 Classroom Management Practices in High Schools
Name of Presenter(s): Sarah Wilkinson, University of Connecticut

1. Tier 1 Classroom Management Practices in High Schools.pdf

D2. Overcoming Challenges: Rebooting PBIS
Name of Presenter(s): Erik Maki, May Institute; Sarah Tadmore, Teresa Carr & Melissa Kintish; McAuliffe Charter School

1. Overcoming Challenges Rebooting PBIS and Combining Schools.pdf

D3. Supporting Teachers to Implement Classroom Management Successfully: Actionable, Evidence-based Strategies
Name of Presenter(s): Lindsay Fallon, University of Massachusetts Boston; Adam Feinberg, & Katie Meyer, University of Connecticut


E1. The Art and Science of Coaching; Part 1
Name of Presenter(s): JoAnne M. Malloy, Kathryn A. Francoeur, & Heidi Cloutier; Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire

1. Art and Science of Coaching Malloy Part 1 .pdf

2. PBIS Classroom Observation Tool.pdf

3. Practice Profile for Coaching for Ai Hub Module 1.8.pdf

4. Framework Reflective Questions.pdf

5. Coach's Integrity Tool C.17.pdf

6. RENEW Facilitator Reflection Tool.pdf

7. Thoughtful, Reflective Question Stems.pdf

E2. The Art and Science of Coaching: Part II
Name of Presenter(s): JoAnne M. Malloy, Kathryn A. Francoeur, & Heidi Cloutier; Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire

1. Art and Science of Coaching Malloy, Part 2.pdf

2. PBIS Coaches’ Roles and Responsibilities.pdf

3. Tiered Fidelity Inventory Tier I: Universal SWPBIS Features.pdf

E3. Universal Screening for Behavior and Implications for Interventions
Name of Presenter(s): Sherry Schoenberg & Amy Wheeler-Sutton, University of Vermont; & Nicholas DeVita, Addison Northwest School District, Vergennes, Vermont

1. Universal Screening for Behavior and Implications for Interventions.pdf


F1. Including Individuals and Families in IDD-PBS settings: Panel Discussion
Name of Presenter(s): Christine Downs, May Institute; Susan O'Shea, The Arc of Greater Plymouth; Jennifer Comeau & Kerin McGue, The Arc of South Shore

1. Arc of SS Individual and Family PBIS Slides.pdf

2. Including Individuals and Families in IDD-PBIS Settings.pdf

F2. Tier 1 PBIS in Early Childhood
Name of Presenter(s): Katie Meyer, University of Connecticut; Heather Carter, Nancy Charest, & Erika Griffin, Salem Public Schools

1. Tier 1 PBIS in Early Childhood

F3. PBS at BAMSI: The Next Step Friendship to Sexuality
Name of Presenter(s): Richard Ngibuini, Susan Roberts, William Erwin, Katie Driscoll, & Katie Robery, BAMSI

1. PBIS at BAMSI: The Next Step Friendship to Sexuality.pdf



FRIDAY – Keynote Address (8:30 – 9:30)

Maintaining School-wide PBS Momentum: 25 years of Lessons Learned
Name of Presenter(s): Tim Lewis, University of Missouri

1. Keynote - Tim Lewis 11-15-19.pdf
2. Millard Response to Instruction and Intervention Behavior Manual Rev_7_2017_8.23.17.pdf


A4. Enhancing Family-School Partnerships within MTSS
Name of Presenter(s): John Eagle, Jenlyn Furey, & Lavonne Nkomo, Sherlock Center on Developmental Disabilities, Rhode island College

1. NEPBS Forum - Eagle, Furey, Nkomo 2019

A5. Get More Bang for Your Buck: Providing Students with Choice
Name of Presenter(s): Sarah Wilkinson, University of Connecticut

1. Wilkinson_Choice pres handout.pdf

2. Building CM Repertoire Handout.pdf


B4. Using “Lessons Learned in High School Implementation” to Improve our Work
Name of Presenter(s): Ellen Reinhardt, MTSS Rhode Island; Jennifer Bouckaert, Southbridge Public Schools; Deb LaValley, Springfield Public Schools

1. “Lessons Learned in High School Implementation” to Improve our work.pdf

B5. Partnering with Students Through Restorative Conferencing
Name of Presenter(s): Brendan Keenan, Wachusett Regional School District

1. Powerpoint Slides - Keenan (Restorative Conferencing) PBIS Forum.pdf

2. Handout Packet - PBIS Forum - Keenan (Restorative Conferencing).pdf


C4. Using Progress Monitoring to Enhance Check-in systems for Students Not Responding
Name of Presenter(s): Sharon Lohrmann, The Boggs Center Rutgers University

1. Using Progress Monitoring to Enhance Check In Systems for Students Not Responding.pdf

C5. How to Present, Utilize, And Set Goals Using School-Wide SWIS Data
Name of Presenter(s): Michael Domina, Lowell Public School District


D4. A Framework for Integrating CICO and SAIG within Tier 2 Support
Name of Presenter(s): Normand St-Georges & Steve Bissonnette; TÉLUQ University, Québec, Canada

1. Framework for Integrating CICO and SAIG within Tier 2 Support.pdf

2. CICO Fidelity of Implementation Observation Checklist-Granger.pdf

D5. Designing School-wide Classroom Systems of Supports

Name of Presenter(s): Tim Lewis, University of Missouri

1. Designing School-wide Classroom Systems of Supports.pdf

2. Classroom Problem Solving & Tier II Supports.pdf


E4. The Secret to Buy In…How to Hook your Families, Students & Community with PBIS
Name of Presenter(s): Kristen Nightingale, Marianne Jobson, & Renee Candido; Betsey B. Winslow, New Bedford Public Schools

1. PBIS presentation- The Secret to Buy In.pdf

2. The Secret to Buy-In Brochure.pdf

E5. SWIS UPDATES: Electronic Referrals and More
Name of Presenter(s): Erik Maki, May Institute

1. SWIS Updates - Electronic Referrals and More.pdf


F4. Developmental Communication Strategies that enhance Positive Behavior Supports
Name of Presenter(s): Richard Angus, Attleboro Enterprise Inc; Lauren Giordano, Cooperative Productions Inc; Gene W. Pizzolato

3. Developmental Communication Strategies that Enchance Positive Behavior Supports.pdf

F5. Supporting Students with Disabilities within a PBIS Framework
Name of Presenter(s): Brandi Simonsen & Sandra Sears; University of Connecticut & Robert Putnam, May Institute

1. Supporting Students with Disabilities in a PBIS Framework Handout.pdf