After-school Activities

In spite of the many challenges our students face, we believe that it's important for “kids to be kids.”


Therefore, we strive to create an environment that promotes fun and friendship in addition to learning. Across all age groups, our students participate in engaging and stimulating classroom activities. Their days are filled with opportunities to learn and practice social skills and appropriate behavior, with the goal of supporting positive development. 

Learning is not limited to the classroom!

Our students continue their education with Individualized Education Program (IEP) objectives and participate in other typical functions of a house. Through the IEP, parents have a chance to specify what they would like their son or daughter to work on. In addition, many students actively participate in after-school and weekend activities. Students enjoy hiking, bowling, walking, shopping, and other regular community outings. 

From sporting events to hikes, from dances to prom night, and from family-style dinners to graduation day, students take part in and learn from many typical adolescent experiences. These experiences mark their rites of passage and positively impact their transition to adulthood.