

Thank you for your interest in The Bay School in Santa Cruz, California!


The Bay School is currently accepting new referrals. Please send referrals and inquiries to Andrea Gold, Executive Director, at

We accept referrals from school districts interested in placing students in our program. After a referral is made, we provide a school tour to the student's family or guardian and district representative. The tour is followed by an internal screening process, which enables us to determine if admission can be offered to the student. 

Throughout the referral process, our three main objectives are (1) providing an overview of our school program and services to families and professionals; (2) learning about a student’s educational history, present skills, and areas of need; and (3) determining if a student will be an appropriate fit for our school.


Contact us!
Dr. Andrea Gold, Executive Director
831.462.9620 x 212  |




Our Admissions Process (PDF)


Notice of Non-Discrimination