One hundred percent of our students have regular and direct access to iPads or the TAP-It portable smartboard. Our goal is to bridge the technology gap for students in order to enhance education and rehabilitation and better prepare them to function in the community where technology is embedded everywhere
We do this through new skill development, and by providing exposure and training that is useful to students as they transition to vocational settings. These experiences increase confidence, self-esteem, and overall independence.
We also use technology for a variety of therapies, depending upon a student’s unique skills and areas of need. For some students, technology-enhanced memory aids can help them move through their day more independently. These memory aids can be used to recall completed tasks, identify upcoming events and programs, and plan a daily schedule for therapies, appointments, and work-related tasks.
For other students, “high tech” devices such as touch tablets are helpful tools to augment their communication skills. Others benefit from more “low tech” options such as the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) that to support their communication needs.