Preparing an Autistic Child for Dentist Appointments

Categories: ASD and DD, Child-focused

By Erica Kearney, M.A, LABA, BCBA

[This column was published in the West Springfield Republican on October 17, 2024.]

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities often have a difficult time during visits to the dentist. This is understandable. Most of us do not look forward to getting a shot, being poked or prodded, getting cavities filled, or having our teeth scraped clean. And, for children who may have sensory issues and be averse to bright lights and unusual noises, these experiences can be quite frightening.

How can parents make dental visits more pleasant for their child with special needs? Below are a few suggestions for parents to consider.
Prior to going to the appointment, practice skills with your child that will make the trip successful. Can they follow simple directions, such as “open your mouth,” “say ah,” or “look at the light”? Are they able to sit in a chair that reclines? If they do not have these skills, it is important to teach them to your child to help make their visit positive. 

When possible, schedule the visit in advance so you, your child, and everyone involved can adequately prepare. Notify the dentist’s office that your child has special needs and tell them anything else that will be helpful for them to know. Most offices can be very accommodating by scheduling your child for the first appointment of the day, or the first appointment after lunch, so they will not have to wait a long time to be seen.
Prepare your child by letting them know about the appointment ahead of time, using a calendar or a social story. Social stories are usually written in the first person and give short, positive descriptions about a social or life skill-related situation. They can also include pictures or drawings. For some children, using a social story for dentist visits can reduce their anxiety by helping them understand what to expect during the visit. You may even want to set up a practice visit or “practice” at home, pretending to go to the appointment and practicing what will happen.

Who will be assisting the child during the appointment? Choose people with whom your child has a good rapport and from whom they will take direction. It is best not to have too many people attend the visit. This can make the environment overwhelming for them and difficult for them to know who and what to attend to. If there is more than one individual present during the visit (other than the dental professionals), select a primary person who will deliver instructions.

If your child has sensory issues, you may want to bring sunglasses they can wear to minimize the glare from bright lights and noise-cancelling headphones that will block out unpleasant or frightening sounds.

Don't forget to bring reinforcers/rewards for your child. Some children may just need to be told that they will get a special treat if they do a good job at the dentist appointment. Others will need constant reinforcement throughout the entire exam. For this reason, edible reinforcers are not recommended. Tablets work well to keep children entertained and happy. Consult with your child's behavior specialist on the best way to provide reinforcement during the visit. 

Dentist appointments can be challenging for children with ASD and other developmental disabilities. With planning, preparation, and practice, however, the experience can be much easier for children and parents.

Erica Kearney, M.A., LABA, BCBA, is Executive Director of the May Center School for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Chicopee, Mass. She can be contacted at

About May Institute
May Institute is a nonprofit organization that is a national leader in the field of applied behavior analysis and evidence-based interventions, serving autistic individuals and individuals with other developmental disabilities, brain injury, neurobehavioral disorders, and other special needs. Founded nearly 70 years ago, we provide a wide range of exceptional educational and rehabilitative services across the lifespan. May Institute operates five schools for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities, including one in Chicopee, Mass. For more information, call 800.778.7601 or visit