The May Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Jacksonville, North Carolina is proud to announce the first graduating class of Superflex Training Academy (social skills group)!
The Superflex Curriculum is designed to provide a fun, motivating way to improve a child’s social and behavioral flexibility utilizing a social-thinking superhero name Superflex! More specifically, the curriculum is based on the ideas that we all have a superhero, Superflex, in our brains, and he is constantly battling the "Team of Unthinkables" (a variety of unexpected behaviors) such as the Un-Wonderer ©, Space Invader ©, and Brain Eater ©, etc., who may come and try to take over our brains (Madrigal & Winner, 2008).
These students have spent their training learning how to identify what members are on their Team of Unthinkables and what Superflex strategies can be used to defeat them! Our office is very proud of their hard work and hope they continue to make flexible choices as they continue their adventures! We also salute the families that have supported their training throughout the eight months!
View a photo album from the graduation day!