May Welcomes Postdoctoral Fellows


Left to Right: Jaime Crowley, Cynthia Shuttleton, Dan Clark, Jessica Cohenour and Bertilde Kamana

We are happy to welcome five postdoctoral fellows to May Institute this year! Our postdoctoral fellowships in applied behavior analysis provide advanced training in the science and practice of behavior analysis and prepare fellows to function independently in their profession (psychology, behavior analysis, special education).

Dr. Daniel Clark (University of Connecticut), Dr. Jessica Cohenour (University of Oregon), and Dr. Cynthia Shuttleton (University of Massachusetts Amherst) are working in the May Center School for Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Randolph, Mass., providing behavioral and academic support for students in their Core. They are also hoping to develop independent research projects and provide staff development and supervision.

Dr. Jamie Crowley (University of Nebraska Medical Center) is conducting a research-oriented post-doctoral fellowship to enhance her skills in (a) coordinating the pre- and post-award management of large, multi-site studies, (b) cross-site collaboration in development and conduct of large-scale research, (c) better understanding factors that affect the uptake and sustained use of evidence-based interventions, and (d) conducting effectiveness trials in applied settings. Her fellowship is partially supporting by a federal research grant from the Department of Defense (W81XWH-17-PHTBI-ABACSA) as well as by funding from the Deborah Monroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund.  

Dr. Bertilde Kamana (University of Kansas) is working at The Bay School (TBS) in Santa Cruz, Calif., assisting TBS with the Applied Verbal Behavior conversion, developing and conducting research projects, conducting student assessments (e.g., FAs, VBMAPP, EFL), and staff training and supervision.

Welcome Daniel, Jessica, Cynthia, Jamie, and Bertilde!

[Learn more about May Institute’s Postdoctoral Fellowships here.]