May Institute Services for Military Families Expand to Fort Hood in Texas


May Institute is proud to announce the opening of our newest Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. The Center offers a comprehensive set of educational and behavioral services to children and their families stationed at Fort Hood and the surrounding area.

The May Center in Killeen is the latest of our programs created to help military families who have dependents with autism spectrum disorders and/or other special needs. In 2007, we opened our Southeast Regional Autism Center in Columbus, Ga., in close proximity to Fort Benning. Since then, we have opened Centers in North Carolina and New England. We also serve military families in Alabama and Florida, and have plans for a Center in Kentucky, near Fort Campbell.

There is a great need to support military families affected by autism. While the number of children with autism in the general population is one in every 110, the number of military children on the spectrum is one in 88. Fewer than 10% of military children with autism are receiving the services they need. Through our expansion of autism-related services for military families, May Institute is striving to address this critical need.