Welcome to the National Autism Center Bookstore

The National Autism Center at May Institute offers its publications for purchase. Each of these publications is also offered as a free download on the website.

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Findings and Conclusions: National Standards Project, Phase 2

Written and published by the National Autism Center at May Institute.

x $19.95 =

This 85-page report summarizes Phase 2 of the National Standards Project, released in 2015. The project is the largest systematic review to date of interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The resulting report identifies Established Interventions for children, adolescents, and adults on the autism spectrum. It also provides an update to the previous project published in 2009.

Evidence-Based Practice and Autism in the Schools, 2nd Edition

Written and published by the National Autism Center at May Institute.

x $24.95 =

Schools today face the challenge of providing appropriate services to a diverse and increasingly numerous student population diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In order to achieve this goal, evidence-based practice is essential in the schools. To assist school professionals as they strive to help these students reach their potential, the National Autism Center has produced this 2nd edition manual for educators. It features results of the National Standards Project, Phase 2, including information about the 14 “Established Interventions” for children and adolescents. Also included are case studies, practical tools, and reading recommendations to help special education teachers, administrators, and families.

A Parent's Guide to Evidence-based Practice and Autism

Written and published by the National Autism Center at May Institute.

x $24.95 =

Everywhere they turn, parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are bombarded with treatment choices--all of which claim to be effective. This manual is designed to support parents as they make decisions about their child's treatment. It discusses the complexity of diagnostic evaluations for children on the autism spectrum, identifies and describes effective treatments, and outlines the importance of professional judgment and using data to guide treatment decisions. Other topics include the role of family preferences and values in the decision-making process, and how best to determine if a professional or organization has the capacity to provide evidence-based practice for a child with autism.

National Standards Report (Phase 1, 2009)

Written and published by the National Autism Center at May Institute.

x $19.95 =

This is the 160-page full report of the National Standards Project. It covers a broad range of applied treatments and identifies the level of scientific evidence available for each. It also includes a comprehensive appendix with a complete listing of the articles associated with each of the 38 treatment categories represented in the Project.

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