Tracy Davis

Tracy Davis

Director of Compliance and In-House Counsel
Corporate Headquarters, Randolph, Massachusetts

The Employee Recognition & Appreciation committee congratulates Tracy Davis for being selected for an Employee Spotlight Award in 2019! The award recognizes the exceptional contributions of May employees. Winners are nominated by their colleagues, managers, and supervisors from across the organization. 

From Tracy's nomination: Tracy's expertise and counsel are INVALUABLE to the organization. She works tirelessly to resolve concerns, puts measures in place to assist with protecting employee and organizational interests, and often goes above and beyond expectations in performing her work duties. Despite her busy schedule, she always makes time to provide face-to-face or phone consultation to program employees, presenting questions and/or concerns in the field and making everyone feel important. I especially love how Tracy often involves relevant team members in her process, creating valuable training and learning opportunities for participants. She truly values, solicits, and utilizes input from various stakeholders in her work. Her direct communication style and action-oriented mindset often help her solve ongoing concerns efficiently and effectively. In addition to her professional work with May, Tracy eagerly volunteers in various capacities at the programs including Sensitive Santa events, program cookouts, proms, and activities at Day Habs. She is truly one-of-a kind and I have felt so lucky to have the pleasure of working with her!

"I am so honored to receive the Employee Spotlight Award. I am privileged to be part of the May Institute’s mission of providing quality services to the individuals we serve. Autism has touched so many lives as it has touched mine.  I also have the privilege of working with such a talented and dedicated group of employees across the organization. Thank you all for the work you do every day." 
— Tracy

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