Roosevelt Togbah

Roosevelt Togbah

Direct Support Professional
May Center for Adult Services 
Cape Cod and Southeastern Massachusetts

The Employee Recognition & Appreciation committee congratulates Roosevelt Togbah for being selected for an Employee Spotlight Award in the Spring of 2021! The award recognizes the exceptional contributions of May employees. Winners are nominated by their colleagues, managers, and supervisors from across the organization. 

Towards the end of last year, we experienced a staffing crisis at a program that is very challenging and can be hard to staff. That drove the need to pull staff in from other programs. Roosevelt was pulled to this program and came over there with a great attitude. He even changed his normal schedule to meet the needs of the program and picks up extra shifts several times a week. When Roosevelt is on shift, he works hard to make sure that all the individuals are engaged in activities and handles behavioral situations wonderfully. He sets an example for newer staff that come into the program and has done a great job with assisting the manager in orienting new staff to the program. Since being pulled over to the program, he has brought a great deal of stability to the program. He is an asset to the organization.

Here’s what Roosevelt said winning the Employee Spotlight Award means to him: 

“I want to thank whoever nominated me for this award. I am grateful to be able to work the individuals I support & I am thankful to work with the staff as well.”

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