Luggny Piris

Luggny Piris

Employee Spotlight Award Winner, Spring 2016!
Luggny Piris is an Assistant Residential Teacher at the May Center School and Residential Program in Randolph, Mass.

Luggny was nominated for the Employee Spotlight Award by someone who described him as “a hard worker with a calm, straight-forward demeanor.” His supervisor commended his ability to remain composed during the most challenging behavioral incidents, and credited him with the ability to execute Behavior Support Plans as written, to advocate for the students, and to share his ideas and concerns openly and honestly.

It is this ability to proactively solve problems as they relate to students and his residence, and Luggny’s willingness to roll up his sleeves and help out at other group homes, that make him an Employee Spotlight Award recipient.

Since beginning his career with May Institute in September 2008, Luggny has seen his fair share of change. He has worked in four residential group homes, but today he is proud to call Jean Circle 2 (JC2) his house. In his usual team-oriented manner, Luggny wanted to share the Employee Spotlight award with all his coworkers at JC2. 
“…I am honored to be a recipient of the Employee Spotlight Award. I want to especially thank all JC2 staff. This award is not only for me, it's for them.” When asked what he liked most about his job, Luggny said, “…the ability to serve our individuals with respect and dignity and to help maintain their well-being.”
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