Here’s what Christine said winning the Employee Spotlight Award means to her:
"Thank you to the ERA nomination committee for selecting me for the ERA Spotlight Award and to my PBIS colleagues for nominating me. It has truly been my privilege to work with the PBIS team and at the May Institute for the past 9 years. The leadership at the May has shown me, by example, that we are all a team when it comes to supporting our clients and each other, and I strive to follow that example. I have never worked at an agency that is not only supportive but also recognizes its employees and treats everyone with the respect and dignity they deserve. The PBIS Team specifically works together to ensure all of our schools and districts receive the support and training they need in an efficient yet differentiated model as well as supporting each other no matter how big or small the task might be. I feel so lucky to work with the PBIS staff and clinicians who I consider friends and I continue to learn and grow from their knowledge and experience. I look forward to many more years at the May, stay positive!!"