Christine Downs

Christine Downs

Director of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Program
Corporate Office
Randolph, Massachusetts

The Employee Recognition & Appreciation committee congratulates Christine Downs for being selected for an Employee Spotlight Award in the Autumn of 2023! The award recognizes the exceptional contributions of May employees. Winners are nominated by their colleagues, managers, and supervisors from across the organization. 

“Christine consistently embodies May Institute's core values. However, within the past year, she has gone above and beyond in several realms, including: demonstrating excellence and service delivery, as evidenced by her highly engaging presentations and trainings for which she consistently receives positive feedback; producing high-quality work under a tight deadlines as evidenced by her completion of an RFP proposal within a week while preparing her presentations for a national conference; and keeping operations running smoothly during a time of transition, as evidenced by her taking on the primary coordination of a DESE Academy this academic year. It is truly an honor to work with Christine.”
“Christine has been an unsung hero for our team. She serves as our PBIS Director and organizes and runs our regular team meetings, helping us with all things, contract-related and central reach related. She is constantly getting us new contracts and bringing in new schools/clients for us. In fact, during the pandemic, she was essential in continuing with our work by reaching out to schools to provide virtual training and workshops for educators and paraprofessionals. Because of this, we were able to continue work and bring in clients for May. But this year, she has gone above and beyond.  First, she was tasked with taking over the DESE-run PBIS Academy, and had to create all new content and organize all the trainers and training sessions (73 schools, nine trainers, 78 training sessions). Her content is beautiful and well put together, and the Academy has succeeded because of her. Not only does Christine keep our team running smoothly, but she also is constantly making us better and giving us more opportunities.  She works tirelessly… I also appreciate that even though she does all the behind-the-scenes work, she also gets out there and works with schools and does training. Christina is so valuable to our team and to May Institute and deserves the highest honors.” 

Here’s what Christine said winning the Employee Spotlight Award means to her:

"Thank you to the ERA nomination committee for selecting me for the ERA Spotlight Award and to my PBIS colleagues for nominating me.  It has truly been my privilege to work with the PBIS team and at the May Institute for the past 9 years.  The leadership at the May has shown me, by example, that we are all a team when it comes to supporting our clients and each other, and I strive to follow that example.  I have never worked at an agency that is not only supportive but also recognizes its employees and treats everyone with the respect and dignity they deserve.  The PBIS Team specifically works together to ensure all of our schools and districts receive the support and training they need in an efficient yet differentiated model as well as supporting each other no matter how big or small the task might be. I feel so lucky to work with the PBIS staff and clinicians who I consider friends and I continue to learn and grow from their knowledge and experience.  I look forward to many more years at the May, stay positive!!"


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