Bet You Didn’t Know May Had an Ice Cream Truck!


Staff from our adult programs on and around Cape Cod recently commandeered one of May’s wheelchair vans, filled it with coolers of popsicles, ice cream, and toppings, and set out to lift spirits and deliver treats!

They drew a colorful menu—with the smorgasbord of choices—on the doors of the van. Then off they went with a truckful of goodies to the May residences! The men and women who live at the houses lined up alongside residential staff, placed their orders, and picked up popsicles and sundaes from the lift at the back of the van.

Kudos to Kim Harrison, Healthcare Supervisor at our Raynham Day Habilitation program, for finding the ice cream truck music that played as staff filled orders. That sound just never gets old!

“This was really fun,” said Heather Maxim, Director of Residential Services and the staff member sounding the call in the video (below). “It was great to see everyone and have a nice treat on a hot day!” Come see all the photos here

Be sure to turn up your volume to hear the music!