Day Hab Participants Package Up Sweet Treats for our Troops


\Individuals from the Adult Day Habilitation program in Randolph, Mass., have landed quite a sweet gig.

Once a week, they head to Ginger Betty’s in Quincy to help package the bakery’s signature soft ginger­bread with chocolate drizzle cookies. These treats are sent overseas to our troops, many of whom long for a sweet taste of home.

Ginger Betty’s is the Original Ginger­bread Bakery of the South Shore of Massachusetts! Owner Beth Veneto has been in business for 20 years. She started the GI Ginger Betty Foundation in 2007 to show grati­tude for the daily sacrifices those in the military make for our country.

Day Hab participants are excited and proud to be part of this commu­nity endeavor. According to Veneto, they are becoming more proficient every week, and have packaged more than 15,000 cookies.

May Institute’s Day Habilitation pro­grams provide individualized support for adults of all ages with special needs. Programs include daily living skills training and active community involvement.