Event Details:
Monday, July 2, 2018, 2:00pm EST - 3:00pm EST

Activity Schedules, Scripts and Fading Procedures to Promote Independence and Initiations

Professional Continuing Education Series

Join us for this workshop that is part of our intermediate to advanced-level workshop series for human services and behavioral healthcare professionals working in clinical, educational, medical, and rehabilitation settings.

Instructor:  Kara A. Reagon, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Description:???????  This presentation will introduce how activity schedules, scripts, and script fading procedures can be used by educators and parents to help individuals with ASD increase independence, make choices, learn to initiate conversation, and improve communication skills at home, school or in the community.

The presentation will review the current literature on activity schedules and scripts and script-fading procedures. Participants will learn how to create, implement, prompt and fade schedules and scripts systematically, collect and analyze data, as well as how to be an appropriate conversation partner to promote novel language. How to design schedules and individualize script-fading programs to teach echoics, mands, tacts, and intraverbal behavior will be reviewed


$25 for guests; May Institute employees may attend free-of-charge. Guests can pay by check on the day of the event.??????

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