The President's Award 2021

The President's Award 2021

Robert F. Putnam, Ph.D., LABA, BCBA-D is the Executive Vice President of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and Consultation at May Institute. He is a national implementation partner and subject matter expert on autism with the OSEP National Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. 

Dr. Putnam received his Ph.D. from Boston College and is a licensed psychologist and a certified health service provider. He has served on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Putnam has given more than 400 presentations at schools, as well as at national and local conferences relative to development and implementation of effective discipline, applied behavior analysis, functional behavior assessment, and positive behavior support practices.

He is widely published in this field, with over 40 books, manuscripts and briefs including recent articles in Behavior Modification, Child and Family Behavior Therapy, Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention, Behavior Analysis Today, Psychiatric Services, and Journal of Special Education Leadership. Dr. Putnam was elected in 2018 as President of the Massachusetts Association for Behavior Analysis and serves on the Executive Committee for the Association for Positive Behavior Support.

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