May Institute Supporters Raise More than $180,000


Randolph, Mass. — Thanks to the combined efforts of its friends, families, employees, Board of Trustee members, business partners, and corporate sponsors, May Institute raised more than $180,000 through its participation in the 2011 Rodman Ride for Kids. The money raised will help meet the needs of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), brain injury, and other special needs.

May Institute, a provider of educational, rehabilitation, and behavioral healthcare services for children and adults, was selected as an affiliated agency by the Rodman Ride for Kids, an umbrella matching gift charity. This was the Institute’s fifth year of participation in the Rodman Ride.

During the Ride, 45 riders from 16 May Institute teams pedaled a combined total of 1,900 miles to raise funds for its children’s programs in Massachusetts. To help support the effort, May staff members from a variety of programs formed teams that conducted letter-writing campaigns to friends, neighbors, and families. They also held fundraising events such as car washes, bingo nights, arts and crafts events, and carnivals at several of our programs to engage the community and showcase the talents of their students.

With strong support from corporate sponsors including Stephen H. Peck & Associates/UBS, Todson, Inc., Merrill Lynch, R.P. Masiello, Telamon Insurance & Financial Network, Fenno Trust, and Century Bank, the Institute brought in more than $180,000, bringing the five-year total to nearly $800,000 raised for our children’s programs. The Institute also received a 10 percent matching gift from Don Rodman.

“One hundred percent of these funds will directly benefit thousands of children in Massachusetts who receive services from May Institute,” said Heidi Howard, M.P.A., CFRE, Chief of Business Development. “We are extremely grateful to the Rodman Ride and all of our supporters for helping us make a difference in the lives of the children we serve.”

Dollars raised through the Rodman Ride will fund a variety of programs, events, and new materials, including:

- State-of-the-art assessment technology and materials to support the Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic in Randolph as well as a parent education series for families of children newly diagnosed with ASD.

- iPads and iPods, software, and supplies to reinforce fine motor skill development for children with ASD and other developmental disabilities at the May Center for Child Development school in Woburn.

- Updated playground activities and educational materials to enhance outdoor and classroom activities at the May Center for Child Development school in West Springfield. The school serves students with ASD and other developmental disabilities.

- Outdoor adventure programs and music therapy for May Institute’s school for students with brain injury in Brockton, as well improved exercise equipment, educational games, and software.

- Therapeutic games and materials for clinicians to use with children during therapy sessions at our mental health clinics in Fall River and New Bedford.

- Materials for assessment kits to effectively assess children in the areas of adaptive living, social, communication, and pre-academic skills; and updated library materials on these subjects to support children’s skill development through school and home-based consultation programs.

About the Rodman Ride
The Rodman Ride for Kids is an umbrella matching gift charity that raises funds for a wide variety of children’s social service agencies across Massachusetts. The Ride for Kids and its affiliated agencies fundraise throughout the year. These efforts culminate each fall with the event itself – a 25-, 50-, or 100-mile non-competitive cycling tour. Since its inception in 1991, the Ride for Kids has raised over $52 million since 1991.

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