May Institute Group Homes in Northeast Florida Earn Top Rankings


Orange Park, Fla. – May Institute’s group homes that serve adults with developmental disabilities and intensive behavioral challenges in Florida recently received top rankings from that state’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD). APD serves more than 50,000 Floridians with developmental and intellectual disabilities annually.

May Institute was ranked number one for its intensive behavior and behavior focused programs.

The Institute is a nonprofit organization that provides a wide variety of programs and services to individuals of all ages with special needs in locations across the country, including community living services for adults with disabilities in Florida, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. These services are customized for each individual, and range from assistance with daily routines, to community integration, to behavioral therapies.

The ADP regularly updates its “scorecards” for Medicaid waiver providers, such as May Institute, that serve Floridians with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Scorecards rank providers and are intended to measure, evaluate, and improve performance on key measures for individuals with special needs.

“I think the public wants to know how well service providers are meeting the needs of Floridians with developmental disabilities,” said APD Director Michael Hansen. “We have improved this process of scoring providers by including them in focus groups, and we will continue to refine the scoring process as we move forward.”

“We are very proud to have been rated number one in Florida for our residential behavioral services,” says William A. Flood, M.A., BCBA, Vice President of Northeast Florida Behavioral Services. “This rating reinforces all of the hard work and dedication of our staff. I am honored to work with a team of such great people, who are so very committed to improving the lives of men and women with disabilities.”

About May Institute

May Institute is an award-winning nonprofit organization with more than 55 years of experience in serving children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities, brain injury, mental illness, and behavioral health needs. The organization provides educational, rehabilitative, and behavioral healthcare services to individuals, as well as training and consultation services to professionals, organizations, and public school systems.

At nearly 200 service locations across the country, Institute staff members work to create new and more effective ways to meet the special needs of individuals and families across the lifespan.

For more information, call 800.778.7601 or visit

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