May Institute Awarded $4,000 Grant From Autism License Plate Proceeds


Orange Park, FL (January 11, 2017) – May Institute, a national nonprofit that serves children, adolescents, and adults with autism and other neurobehavioral needs has received a $4,000 grant from funds generated through the sale of the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plates. The grant will support the organization’s May Center for Adult Services in Florida.
The Autism Services Grants Council awarded a total of $64,300 in grants to 12 Florida-based nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs for adults with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities.
“We are so grateful to receive this support from the Autism Services Grants Council,” said Kristina French, Director of Operations for May Institute’s Adult Services in Florida. “This grant is enabling us to pilot a health and wellness initiative, “MAY You Be Healthy” at our adult residential and day habilitation programs for individuals with autism.”
According to French, the funding will be used to purchase indoor and outdoor exercise equipment such as bikes, stair steps, and leg and hand weights that will provide opportunities for physical activities at May Institute’s eight residential homes in Orange Park and Jacksonville, as well as for individuals attending the organization’s day habilitation program.
“We are also planning to schedule field trips that include physical activities throughout the year and purchase visual supports to enhance education about nutrition,” said French.
Increased revenue provided by the sale of “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plates has enabled the Autism Services Grants Council to provide more funding to awardees.
For more information about the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plate, please visit For more information about May Institute programs, please visit
In 2009, the Florida Legislature authorized the “Support Autism Services” specialty autism license plate and provided for the creation of the Autism Services Grants Council (“ASGC”) to oversee a grants process to fund service programs for individuals with autism and related disabilities and their families throughout the state.  All funds raised by the ASGC are generated by the sale of the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plates.  For more information visit and “Like” us at
ARC Broward is responsible for marketing the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plate and administration of the Autism Services Grants Council.
May Institute is an award-winning nonprofit organization with more than 60 years of experience in serving children and adults with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, brain injury, and behavioral health needs. The organization provides educational, rehabilitative, and behavioral health services to individuals, as well as training and consultation services to professionals, organizations, and public school systems. At more than 140 service locations across the country, highly trained staff work to create new and more effective ways to meet the special needs of individuals and families across the lifespan. For more information, call 800.778.7601 or visit

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