A free seminar about autism –“The Effects of Motivational Operations on Stereotypy: Implications for Assessment and Treatment” – will be offered at The Bay School on May 17, from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 pm. The seminar is part of an ongoing series sponsored by The Bay School, a school for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities, the San Jose State University (SISU) Psychology Department and SISU C.A.R.E.S., and the San Andreas Regional Center.
“The Effects of Motivational Operations on Stereotypy: Implications for Assessment and Treatment” will address stereotyped motor and vocal mannerisms (e.g., hand flapping, echolalia) and will summarize a series of studies conducted by presenter John Rapp, Ph.D., which evaluated the effects of stereotypy on children with autism.
The seminar will be held at The Bay School, 5400 Soquel Ave, in Santa Cruz. Educators, families, students, pediatricians, early intervention specialists, child psychologists and psychiatrists, and others wanting to learn more about autism are encouraged to attend. Board Certified Behavior Analysts can earn continuing education credits for attending the lectures if they pre-register online.
To learn more about the series please call 831-462-9620 or visit www.thebayschool.org.