Hope & Possibility Fundraiser Celebrates Community and Connection; Corporate Support from Brown & Brown Insurance and Others Helps Exceed Goal


Randolph, Mass. – There was truly a sense of hope and possibility in the air at the Artists for Humanity Epicenter in Boston where more than 300 friends, family, employees, corporate partners, and other supporters of May Institute joined together to raise nearly $400,000 to benefit the children, teens, and adults with special needs served through May programs.

The organization provides services across the lifespan for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities, brain injury and neurological disorders, as well as other special needs.

An Evening of Hope & Possibility: Celebrating Community and Connection was May’s first in-person event since 2019. It was also livestreamed so May supporters throughout the country could attend virtually. It was the organization’s most successful fundraiser to date. Proceeds will support the greatest needs at May Institute, including adaptive technology and curricula for classrooms and programs, and the enhancement of residential group homes.

The evening’s keynote speaker was Ellen Hollis, the mother of 29-year-old Erin who began receiving early intervention services from May Institute after she was diagnosed with autism at age 2. Erin attended May Center Schools and continues to be a member of the May community at one of the organization’s Adult Day Habilitation programs in Massachusetts. 

“Despite her many challenges, Erin is a sweet and beautiful young woman,” said Ellen. “She delights in listening to music, swimming, playing with blocks, having books and poems read to her, and hanging out at home with her family. The Hollis family, with heartfelt gratitude, thanks May for truly giving us 27 years of hope and possibility, and of community and connection.”

David Wade, Co-anchor at WBZ-TV/CBS Boston, was the virtual Master of Ceremonies. Tom Best, Auctioneer and Director at The Auction Collective in London, offered attendees opportunities to bid live on vacation packages to New York City, Cape Cod, California, the Canadian Rockies, and Ibiza in addition to other exciting offerings.

Major sponsors of the Hope and Possibility Celebration were: Brown & Brown Insurance (sole lead sponsor); Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (Guardians Circle sponsor); Amplified Insurance Partners and H.L. Holdings LLC (Advocates Circle sponsors); and Apothecare Pharmacy LLC, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation, Philadelphia Insurance Companies, Joan Solotar, and Neal Todrys (Providers Circle Sponsors). 

“It was enormously gratifying to be together after more than three years and the challenges we all faced during the pandemic,” said Eileen Pollack, Senior Vice President of Communications and Philanthropy. “We are so grateful to every person, family, organization, and corporate partner for giving generously and joining us in truly celebrating the May community.” 

About May Institute
May Institute is a nonprofit organization that is a national leader in the field of applied behavior analysis, serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, brain injury and neurobehavioral disorders, and other special needs. Founded more than 65 years ago, we provide a wide range of exceptional educational and rehabilitative services across the lifespan. For more information, call 800.778.7601 or visit

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