Chris Garrity Celebrating 20 Years at May


Congratulations to Chris Garrity who is celebrating her 20th anniversary with May! We asked Chris to share a few thoughts about her two decades at May Institute.

"I work as an Assessment Clinician and Developmental Specialist for the Early Intervention program. We serve children birth to three with developmental disabilities, premature, a specific diagnosis, or if they meet specific risk factors. 

I wanted to have a career where I felt like each day I can make a difference. Giving back to children and their families is very important to me. The parent is a child's first teacher. Working 1:1 gives you the ability to develop a strong relationship with the family. The family sees your passion and trusts you to guide them. You can be having a rough start to the day, and when you get to your first client, it can instantly turn your day around.

I have been fortunate to be surrounded by a team of supportive, dedicated, kind, and incredible people. It is a safe, positive, and productive environment. We all share a common goal to help the children and families to the best of our ability. When people support one another, amazing things happen.

Prior to Early Intervention, I was a classroom teacher. I feel patience, resilience, and problem-solving are used daily in education. I hope to have a positive and lasting impact on others." — Chris Garrity