

I’m motivated by not wanting to be stuck. I don’t want to be a “problem kid.” My motivation is to prove everybody wrong. I CAN get better. I CAN write. I CAN read. I CAN ride a bike. I CAN do all this stuff, even though others have told me I can’t.

When you’ve been told that you can’t for so long, and then a school comes along with people who tell you that you CAN - it makes you feel really good. That’s been some of my motivation to push myself to the absolute limit of everything that I’ve been through.

I try to fit in and be as normal as I can, but I don’t think the main goal in life is to strive for normality. Everybody has a different path. Everybody has their own journey, their own struggle. My mom has always told me that normal doesn’t exist. It’s just a setting on a washing machine.

I feel like this is my journey. This is my experience. The May Center School has been a big part of helping me figure that out. For that, I’m thankful.

- Declan, Student at May Center School for Brain Injury and Related Disorders

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