
When Mikey, who was born in 2005 with Fragile X syndrome, entered public preschool, everyone quickly realized it was not the right fit. He was non-verbal, aggressive, and engaging in high rates of self-injury.

Kelley and her husband, Mikey's parents, recognized they needed help. After an exhaustive search, they found May Institute. Mikey, then four years old, became a student at the May Center School for Autism and Developmental Disabilities in West Springfield, Mass. Within weeks of enrolling Mikey, the couple felt as though they had struck gold.

“The staff didn’t avoid Mikey’s challenging behaviors. They addressed them directly. The teachers taught him how to get his needs and wants met using appropriate behavior,” says Kelley.

“Without this school and the progress Mikey has made there, I just don’t know what his life would be like, what our life would be like. His challenging behaviors were eliminated at school with lots of hard work and lots of love, and they stay near zero because of a consistent commitment from the greatest behavior analysts, teachers, and instructors that I can imagine.”

May Institute is proud of our “Champions of Care,” the educational and clinical teams that combine their knowledge and experience to serve the individuals in our care with respect, kindness, and compassion.  

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