Robert F. Putnam, Ph.D., LABA, L.P., BCBA-D, oversees a team of school consultants who provide behavioral consultation to public schools in New England and across the country. As head of May Institute's research-based, school-wide behavioral support program, Dr. Putnam has provided consultation to districts throughout the country relative to effective emotional/social/behavioral support interventions.
He also serves as Senior Vice President of Research and Consultation at the National Autism Center (NAC) at May Institute, and was an Expert Panelist on the National Standards Project of the NAC. His research interests are in the use of function-based interventions to improve prosocial skills as well as behavioral support strategies for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
[Read Dr. Robert Putnam Receives May Institute's Prestigious President's Award.]
Dr. Putnam is a past president of the Massachusetts Association for Behavior Analysis (MassABA). He is also a member of the Executive Board of the National Association of Positive Behavior Support, and is currently its Treasurer.
He serves as a national implementation partner and subject matter expert on autism with the Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Program’s National Technical Assistance Center for PBIS. Dr. Putnam consults and makes presentations nationally and internationally in Canada, China, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman.
Dr. Putnam received his Ph.D. from Boston College, and is a licensed psychologist and a certified health service provider. He has served on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School. Dr. Putnam has given more than 250 presentations at schools, as well as at national and local conferences relative to development and implementation of effective discipline, applied behavior analysis, functional behavior assessment, and positive behavior support practices. He is the recipient of over 1.5 million dollars in grant funding.
Dr. Putnam is widely published, including 40 books, chapters, manuscripts, and briefs, including manuscripts in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Analysis in Practice, Behavior Analysis Today, Behavior Modification, Child and Family Behavior Therapy, Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention, Journal of Special Education Leadership, Beyond Behavior, Education and Treatment of Children, Psychology in the Schools, Journal of Applied School Psychology, Educational Psychology, Psychiatric Services, Insights on Learning Disabilities, and Psychiatric Services.