Dr. Erik D. Maki is a clinical consultant at May Institute. He primarily provides training and technical assistance to districts and schools around the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). He also provides consultation to teachers, programs, schools, and districts focused on identifying and meeting the mental and behavioral health needs of students.
Dr. Maki earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at New College of Florida, and his Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology at Framingham State College. He graduated from UMass Boston with his Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling and School Psychology, with a concentration in School Psychology. His studies at UMass were focused on systems-level efforts to address students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Dr. Maki’s post-doctoral training was centered on the provision of consultation, assessment, and treatment in urban school contexts.
He is a licensed psychologist, a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), an endorsed Northeast Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (NEPBIS) trainer, and a certified School-Wide Information System (SWIS) facilitator.
In his 20+ years of experience working in mental/behavioral health, Dr. Maki has worked in a wide range of settings including residential treatment facilities, day and partial hospitalization programs, as well as public and charter schools. He has also worked as a clinical care manager at a behavioral health managed care company. Dr. Maki continues to teach periodically as an adjunct professor.
Dr. Maki’s general research interest is the application of evidence-based mental/behavioral health practices in schools, especially in how they impact minority populations.