Veronica Soto-Feliciano

Veronica Soto-Feliciano

Residential Behavior Specialist
May Center School for Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Randolph, Mass.

The Employee Recognition & Appreciation committee congratulates Veronica Soto-Feliciano for being selected for an Employee Spotlight Award in 2018! The award recognizes the exceptional contributions of May employees. Winners are nominated by their colleagues, managers, and supervisors from across the organization. 

From Veronica’s nomination: Veronica is a superb team player and has an outstanding work ethic. She has been thorough and an excellent peer model for me as I have come on board as a behavior specialist. During the school and residential program's time of transition, she has extended help and support to her staff and the students she supports across settings and programs. She is diligent, compassionate towards both staff and students, and a master of time and task management.

“I am very grateful for this recognition. Since the first day I started working at May Institute, I knew that my achievements were not mine;they are a result of the hard work of our students and our staff. If I am successful today,it is because our students are successful. Working at May Institute is a learning and growing experience every day. It makes me beyond happy and grateful to observe our students, and see how much they have learned, grown, and how independent they are in our school and residential setting. I hope to continue to help our students to be more independent and our staff to be more successful. I am so glad to be part of the May Team.”
— Veronica

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