Clinical Director
May Center for Child Development
Woburn, Mass.
Serra joined the staff at the May Center for Child Development school in Woburn last October after working at the Brockton school for 12 years. In one short year, she has become an integral part of the Woburn team. Her impact has been tremendous.
Serra’s initiative and dedication are clear. She is intelligent, knowledgeable, able to think on her feet, trustworthy, and approachable. Serra is always looking at ways to help staff improve their individual performances as well as increase their participation in clinical decisions.
She sees every situation as a learning opportunity for students and staff alike. She works diligently on improving the quality of care students receive and goes beyond her clinical role to truly see the entire student. Serra recognizes the challenges of working with our population and is supportive of the concerns of the staff.
Her determination to assist each student in achieving and maintaining positive behavior is unending. She analyzes each component, looks for feedback and opinions of others involved, and is realistic in her approach. She writes plans that are thoughtful and thorough, and does all she can to ensure they are implemented with integrity and fidelity.
She runs a weekly clinical meeting, is a trainer at the program for our module series and physical intervention techniques, and works with clinicians for the program’s peer review. In addition, Serra is an active participant at Clinical Standards and has volunteered to serve on subcommittees where she provides valuable insights. Over the years, she has been involved in numerous research projects, posters, and symposia. She has worked persistently to streamline graphing systems and is always willing and eager to share techniques, tips, and tricks. Serra is an “ABA geek” in the best ways possible!
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