Nancy Lunden

Nancy Lunden

Regional Director
Home-based and School Consultation
Western Mass.

Employee Spotlight Award Winner, June 2018

From Nancy's nomination: Nancy is a great team leader. She genuinely cares about her staff and makes them feel appreciated. She creates a work environment that makes people feel welcome and valued. She never asks of anyone anything she wouldn't do herself. Nancy is our program's cheerleader, advisor, confidant, and leader. She always motivates everyone to do their best. Nancy is always there for us when we have an issue, when we have a question, or when we just need to talk. She stays involved with all aspects of our program.

Nancy attends/leads state-level Early Intervention meetings, as well as state-level Specialty Support Program (SSP) meetings. She also finds time to attend program supervisor meetings and staff meetings. We don't know how she does it all! Nancy works non-stop to make sure all program requirements are met, to make sure all staff are doing their best, and to make sure all clients are being delivered the best therapy possible. She is the director of our Early Intervention program, our SSP program, and our Over-age 3 insurance-based program. Her work ethic is a great inspiration to all of us!

"I would like to thank those who nominated me and those who selected me to receive this honor. I was quite surprised and very grateful. I have been employed with May for over 20 years and have had the great experience of being a part of an organization that has grown from an office on the Cape to a company that serves individuals from birth throughout one’s lifetime across the United States.

On a personal level, I have been extremely lucky to work with such dedicated colleagues. My programs support such a diverse group of individuals that not one day ever duplicates another. We have such respect for one another and value what each personality brings to the work place, that we have become a division where parents, school departments, and outside agencies have requested us by name. I can honestly say that we go above and beyond to ensure that the needs of all of our families are met.

I am also grateful for the support that I have received from the senior team in our corporate office. At May Institute, everyone is accessible and approachable no matter one’s role. Again, thank you."
— Nancy
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