Michelet is an incredible Direct Support Professional (DSP) who quite literally works day and night to ensure all individuals’ needs are met and that their lives are full of fun and enrichment. Michelet has worked for years at one of our adult residences on Cape Cod, however he works in many other homes as well and is extremely knowledgeable about the individuals and all the Cape Cod homes. He provides excellent care wherever he works and is always extremely flexible during times of staffing challenges. His flexibility, expertise, and professionalism are invaluable to his supervisors, co-workers, and individuals served.
Michelet can often be found in the kitchen of the residences, assisting with meal preparation, knowing everyone’s likes (and dislikes) and creatively respecting their palettes and their dietary needs. He invests time and effort into improving the quality of care provided and the overall safety and attractiveness of the homes.
The specific home where he works, like many of the Cape Cod residences, has experienced some significant challenges and changes over the past year, including the addition of a new resident. Michelet took the lead in getting to know this gentleman and supported fellow staff members by helping them learn his support plans and modeling quality interactions. Recently, one of the residents in this home passed away. Michelet worked tirelessly to ensure the individual was provided with dignity and comfort.
Be it facilitating the beginning of a new transition or beautifully standing by an individual as their life draws to a close, Michelet does it with compassion, grace, and patient support.
Michelet is loved by individuals served, and their families. He is a mentor to his peers and is respected and valued by his supervisors and administrative team. Simply put, we would be lost without Michelet.
Nominated by Stephanie Furzland, Director of Residential Services • Cape Cod and Southeastern, Mass., Adult Services
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