Program Coordinator
May Center for Community Services
South Windsor, Conn.
Loran Spence joined the Longhill team in March of 2010 as an Assistant Coordinator. He was promoted to Program Coordinator in July 2011, and began to run both Longhill 1 and Longhill 2 programs shortly thereafter. A staff leader and a terrific advocate for the individuals, he has brought new and exciting ideas into the home.
Loran has done a wonderful job with one individual in particular, a man who has struggled with psychiatric and medical issues. Loran was by his side from the time he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, through radiation and chemotherapy treatments. When this individual was declared cancer-free, Loran “cried like a baby.” Since then, Loran has helped him regain his independence around the house and increase his community involvement.
Since Loran has been the Program Coordinator, the overall tone and appearance of the houses have improved tremendously. He has wonderful relationships with all of his staff, and they respect him greatly. Guardians and case managers always speak very highly of Loran as well.
In addition to his many responsibilities, he has willingly taken on a third program that was in crisis. Loran continues to get all of his administration work completed and submitted on time, and he excels at putting systems in place that result in more efficiency in his assigned programs. He is proactive when it comes to managing the houses and serving individuals, and has always gone above and beyond what is asked of him.
Loran is responsive, readily available, willing to take on new challenges, and has the ability to teach and mentor other staff. He is truly an asset to the May team!
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