Jack Deoliveira

Jack Deoliveira

Program Coordinator
May Center for Adult Services, Eastern Massachusetts

The Employee Recognition & Appreciation committee congratulates Jack Deoliveira for being selected for an Employee Spotlight Award in 2018! The award recognizes the exceptional contributions of May employees. Winners are nominated by their colleagues, managers, and supervisors from across the organization.

From Jack’s nomination: Jack has been with May Institute for over 20 years. Jack is always flexible with his time, and will assist the training department by covering and making himself available to instruct additional classes. Jack is also an asset with helping coordinate staffing coverage not only at his program, but others as well. During a blizzard last winter, Jack drove for two hours to get to his program to ensure not only the individuals were doing okay, but the staff as well. He went to ensure the egresses were clear and passable and to provide extra support for the staff so shoveling could be done while maintaining proper staffing inside the program.

“First off, I would like to thank the ERA nominating committee and the person who nominated me for recognizing my contribution to May Institute. I am grateful, in that I know there are many employees who are just as deserving as I am, Over the last 23+ years at May Institute, I have found that there are many staff that care a tremendous amount about the care and well-being of the Individuals that we serve, and that we all strive to make a difference, improve, and make their lives as normal as anyone else's. What I take away the most from my time here at May Institute is seeing, not only the progress that we all make and the enrichment to the lives of those we serve, but also the enrichment that it has given my life. I always look forward to coming into work every day, knowing that it may be stressful at times, but those moments are well overshadowed by the joy that is brought into my life. Whether it be from major milestones that were achieved by those served, the minor yet significant achievements in their lives, to just seeing a smile on their face or a thank-you, because they are enjoying themselves and I was there along for the experience.”  
— Jack

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