Congratulations William Coyne

Congratulations William Coyne

25 years at the May...
In 1995, my wife Tammy and I moved to the Cape knowing we wanted to retire here. I was already a veteran of adult services, having worked for CHD in Westfield since 1982. In 1995, The May Center for Adult Services was a small building behind the Centerville Shopping Center. 

Only three residential staff remain from when I was hired. Keith, Michelle and Kathi are three of the finest people I have known. Thank-you to Kathi's sage advice to put money into my retirement accounts.

Times have changed...
One beautiful Tuesday morning, I was driving the guys to their day program in Pocasset. We drove via our usual short cut through the Cape Cod Military Base. We needed to find another way home. It was September 11th, 2001.

Today, I am back working in a residence. I have a mask on my face, and I am sincerely missing everyone at the Day Program.
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