Christopher Cushing, 2013 Trustees’ Fund Awardee

Christopher Cushing, 2013 Trustees’ Fund Awardee

Senior Teacher
May Center School for Brain Injury and Related Disorders
Brockton, Mass.

[Read press release here.]

Chris has been a dedicated member of the teaching team at the Brockton School since he was hired in 2009. He is passionate about his work and teaches students with exceptional skill, expertise, and creativity. 

As a Senior Teacher in a classroom for some of our oldest students, Chris understands the importance of preparing students for a smooth and successful transition to adult life. He has developed friendly but professional relationships not only with his students, but also with their families and referring school districts. 

Chris’s ability to foster and promote teamwork in the classroom and between various departments has been outstanding. He often goes above and beyond his responsibilities as a Senior Teacher. For example, during the union campaign, Chris volunteered his time as a Precinct Captain and proved to be a valuable asset to our organization at that time. 

Chris’s level of enthusiasm has been inspiring. He is well liked and respected by all those who know and work with him, and very deserving of a Trustees’ Award. 

[Note: In January of 2014, Chris was promoted to Coordinator of Transitional Education.]

View the photo album from the event!
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